Sunflower field treated exclusively with A.W.G. Worm Tea and Worm Compost.

Castings are ready to be added to your planters and garden!

A.W.G Worm Tea and Compost doing magic on some jalapeños!

Sunflower field treated exclusively with A.W.G. Worm Tea and Worm Compost.
What is Vermiculture?
Vermiculture is the process of utilizing the worm’s digestion process to make nutrient rich compost.
These nutrients are then able to be absorbed; nourishing natural plant growth!
Why Worms?
Worms have a uniquely superior way of breaking down materials into nutrient rich compost. The worm’s digestive process releases nutrients, enzymes, and beneficial hormones in ways not seen in other composting methods.
As well, the worms composting process increases a plant's immune system, increases water retention, and is a 100% eco-friendly natural process.